With My Signage Portal you can easily create interactive experiences with no coding or technical knowledge necessary. Create and display dynamic content by dividing your screens into different zones and layers with ultimate freedom of the editing process. You can add images and videos on top of backgrounds, add masks and frames to create dimension or display your website in a web view. Let your creativity flow and create show-stopping content!
In this blog we are going to show you a simple touch playlist made of 4 scenes with a number of buttons setup on the playlist to navigate between the scenes:
- When you touch a fruit it opens up the corresponding scene.
- When you touch the home icon it returns to the home scene.
- When you touch the Impact Digital Signage logo it opens up our website in a web view.
Each scene and button has been named as shown in the screen shot below (just right click and choose rename)
When we log into our account on MySignagePortal we can see the number of times each button has been clicked be going to “Logs” in the left hand menu and “Touch Logs”
In the screenshot above, I have chosen to see all the touch logs linked to my organisation and on a particular date.
The table view shows us:
- The Touch Name
- Button Name
- Button Action
- Button Target
- Click Time
This table can be easily exported to a CSV file for further analysis or presentation.